School Year Predictions

Sitting around the dinner table after the first day of school we discussed predictions for the upcoming school year.  Zack predicted he would graduate from High School.  Grant predicted he would play Lacrosse and Claudia predicted she would be in two plays at Orinda Intermediate School.  I told them they were missing the  point – predictions are guesses of what would happen, not things we plan to make happen.  I guess it is a subtle point as you can make an effort to have your predictions come true.  We ended up deciding to predict our heights and weights at the end of the school year.


Current Height = 6′ 4-1/4″ / Predicted Height = 6′ 4-3/4″

Current Weight = 162 lbs / Predicted Weight = 166 lbs


Current Height = 5′ 8-1/2″ / Predicted Height = 5′ 11″

Current Weight = 118 lbs / Predicted Weight = 125 lbs


Current Height = 4′ 11″ / Predicted Height = 5′ 2″

Current Weight = 85 lbs / Predicted Weight = 97 lbs


Current Height = 5′ 0″ / Predicted Height = 5′ 2″

Current Weight = 70 lbs / Predicted Weight = 78 lbs


Refused to participate


Current Weight = 240 lbs / Predicted Weight 210 lbs